Kinesiology for Cattle

It was never my plan to work with cattle it just happened…

I have worked with ;                                                                                                      

  • Injury or  hurt                                                                            
  • Hard calving
  • Bull lameness
  • Pneumonia in calves


Cow down for 3 weeks                                                                                                          

In 2009 a lady came to the clinic and she had great relief with one session and she asked would I come to see a Friesian cow who was down for 3 weeks. Now from a farming background “I could hear my  70 yr old dad’s voice in my head saying Friesian cows never get up! ” but I’m a trier and my motto is” Where there is life there is hope!”

So I attended the cow she was 6 years old and went down a week before calving she had the calf normal but she still lay. She had the vet a couple of times but to no avail. I did some kinesiology testing and correcting and at the end of the balance nutrition came up so I advised the farmer on what the cow was lacking. So he went to his vet and got the nutrients which he gave the cow for 2 days and she got up.

Calf hurt in trailer

I treated a 6 month old weanling which was hurt in a trailer with other cattle. He was injected etc but was still not improving. I did kinesiology testing and balancing which removes the stress of the trauma so the body can heal it fast. It’s great for pain relief. It only took one session and he went on well and he was released back with the rest of the stock in 2 weeks.

Dairy Cow slipping in Parlour                                                                                            

A Friesian Cow slipped in a milking parlour and went down, they had to lift her out to the field. She lay for 3 days with little attempt to get up I attended her on a Saturday. It showed for ligaments of the pelvis which I balanced using kinesiology. I also advised to turn her on to her left hip as I felt she needed some circulation to the right hind leg.

As if the cow had heard what I said she attempted to get up and then lay back down on her left leg. We laughed as myself and the farmer were deciding we would try to shift her and it was going to be difficult as she was a large Friesian.

I called 3 days later to see how she had faired out and the farmer laughed as he said when he got up the next morning she was not lying in the field and he thought she had fell in a drain but to his delight, she was in a corner standing eating.