Kinesiology combines ancient Chinese medicine with western techniques and is a natural and very powerful healing modality. It incorporates techniques such as acupressure points, meridian balancing, gentle structural manipulation and massage and vibrational alignment.
Kinesiology therapy involves muscle testing which identifies current stressors to the body/mind through accessing the body’s wisdom with body biofeedback. It works on balancing the person, on a physical, mental and emotional level by identifying the underlying cause . The muscle response identifies where there is an energy imbalance and then gentle yet powerful techniques to restore the natural flow of energy and thereby facilitate self-healing in the body.
Kinesiology can access the stored patterns, issues, traumas in the physical body as all experiences (mental, emotional and physical) are held in the energy field of the body. It can identify the point of stress ( underlying cause), and once addressed it helps realign the body to its own innate sense of order and healing – almost like going back to the restore point in a computer. At this stage, the body can tap into its own healing capacity.
There are many different types of Kinesiology’s, including:
There is also Learning Enhancement Advanced Programme, Optimum Health Balance, Neural Organisational Technique, Applied Kinesiology and others .
You can discuss why you would like a kinesiology session and what ailments you have at present or what goal you would like to work towards.
During a kinesiology treatment, you remain fully clothed, remove your shoes and lie on a plinth.
I then muscle test where I place your arm in a specific position and gentle pressure is exerted for 2/3 seconds and the pressure is then smoothly released. When the muscle is firing correctly the arm remains stable under pressure and is considered balanced. When a limb gives way, it is an indication of an energy disturbance which needs correcting. Imbalance can occur due to a structural problem, an emotional disturbance, a lack of nutrition, a food sensitivity.
Every Kinesiology session is different as it is tailored to the individual person’s needs. A Kinesiologist discusses your diet, lifestyle, exercise routine, stress factors, family history and nutritional supplementation. This is a “holistic”or “whole-person” approach. The number of treatments is dependent on how long you have had a particular health concern, but the benefits are usually felt in a couple of sessions. Every ailment has a combination of Physical, Mental, Emotional or Chemical energy imbalances attached to it which can be rectified by many different techniques.